Programming Week of 230109
Day 1
Monday 230109
A1. 6 weighted single leg step up each leg
Rest TOM then A2
A2. 3 Pull-up negatives at :00 :45 nte :05 of negative
Rest to 3:00 then back to A1 x 3
Rest an additional 3:00 then B
B. AMRAP 18:00 nte 115/75
3 hang power snatches
5 overhead squats
7 bar facing burpees
350 row/ski
Day 2
Tuesday 2301010
A. 1 power clean every :90 x 6
Build to a heavy single
Rest 5:00 then B
B. For time capped at 8:00
30 power cleans at 90% of A
Rest 5:00 then C
C. For time AFAP barbells nte 135/95
10 sh20h… 5t2b
Day 3
Wednesday 230111
Build your gymnastics, DB weight, and box height each piece as appropriate
A. AMRAP 6:00
4 rr/jumping pull-ups/pull-ups
6 alt DB hang clean & jerks nte 50/35
10 bjsd nte 20”
Rest 4:00 then B
B. AMRAP 6:00
4 jumping pull-up/PU/C2B
6 alt DB hang clean & Jerk
10 bjsd nte 24”
Rest 4:00 then C
C. AMRAP 6:00
6 alt DB hang clean & Jerk nte 75/50
10 bjsd nte 30”
Day 4
Thursday 230112
Olympic Lifting 5:30pm
A. 6 Sets
1:30 row/bike/ski/run
1:30 skill work of choice
1:00 rest
Day 5
Friday 230113
Open WOD 21.1
A. EMOM 9:00
- 3 sit-ups + 3 hrpu + 3 air squats
- 150m row ski
- :30 hollow body hold
Rest to 15:00
B. For time 15:00 cap
1 wall walk
10 du/singles
3 wall walk
30 du/singles
6 wall walk
60 du/singles
9 wall walk
- 90 du/singles
15 wall walk
150 du/singles
21 wall walks
210 du/singles