Many of you have noticed that the whiteboard pics have disappeared for a few days. This happened to occur right around the time Coach Doug found a great article about cheating and egos in our beloved sport of CrossFit… not a coincidence!!
Sometimes we need to take things away in order for you to realize why you need it, and how you should treat it.
The whiteboard is a tool to log your work, gauge where you need to be, identify your strengths and weaknesses, and enjoy some friendly, healthy competition…
Whiteboarding, however, is more like a bad habit… Comparing yourself to others, casting judgement on someone without witnessing their WOD, cheating a movement or rep count just to beat someone on the whiteboard or have the best score… it is wrong on many levels, and it leads to bitterness and vanity.
The coaches stopped scoring the whiteboard because we think it should be up to you to keep track of your results and progress. Being responsible to write down your own scores will lead to a greater awareness in every WOD you perform, and a deeper appreciation for what you just accomplished. Plus, it’s cool to have all kinds of different handwriting on the whiteboard (some scores are hard to read!!)
The whiteboard is a great tool, and the pics will be back on the blog for you to enjoy.
“I pity the fool who thinks whiteboarding is cool”
– Mr. T