As I sat on my couch the
other night eating my second piece of ice cream birthday cake (clearly I should
have had a REALLY big piece the first night so leftovers were not an issue), I
was pondering the difference between Crossfit and “globo” gyms.
There are many differences to list but the one I want to discuss is the
“birthday” difference.
As I am sure most of you were members of a globo gym at one
time…when you woke up on your birthday did you ever think about logging on to
their website so you could see a picture of yourself doing something really
cool? And the headline of the picture is Happy Birthday “insert
name”…I doubt it! Plus inspiring words from the coach…seriously
it is pretty Awesome!!! And as the day goes on you continually log on to
the blog so you can see how many people wish you a “happy birthday”
in as many different ways as it is possible. Makes you feel special,
important, and you realize what an awesome community we have.
The anticipation grows as the day goes on because you don’t
know what your surprise WOD is going to entail. I truly had
“butterflies” driving to the shed because of the unknown. I
walked in, looked at the WOD, and thought “he really put burpees in
it.” But my love for burpees has actually grown…I now choose to
embrace them and just keep moving. As I continued to stare at the white
board my thought was “this is going to be fun.”
So to continue to my story…at globo gyms you don’t have
every single person that workouts there wishing you a “Happy
Birthday” as they walk through the door. You don’t get a birthday
card that is signed by everyone with awesome messages!!!….it is not a card I
plan on throwing away… You don’t get to share your birthday with another
totally great coach (although he did ditch me on the WOD for Pat and my
husband)….Doug- maybe next year you can wait for me 😉
My message to all you shedheads basically comes down to
THANK YOU so much for making my birthday special and for just being AWESOME
This probably should have been written right after my
birthday but I am so bad at getting words out it took me a few sessions 🙂