140607 Saturday
Day 6WOD 140607 Happy 6th Birthday Caitlyn!!! Click here to watch me grow!!!
Day 6WOD 140607Repeat WOD 140121 warm-up – Coach’s Choice 8 rounds of tabata ring dipsrest to 5:00, then…1:00 – max effort ohs – 75/45 -rest 3:00- 8 rounds tabata pull-upsrest to 5:00, then…1:00 – max effort thrusters – 75/45 -rest 3:00- 8 rounds tabata row (calories)rest to 5:00, then…1:00 – max effort t2b or abmat
Day 4WOD 140605Repeat WOD 140130 warm-up – Coach’s Choice 8 rounds tabata mash-up of:push press/jerkair squatsL1 – 45/15Rx’d – 75/45SK – 95/65 rest to 10:00… 3 rounds for time of:500m rowrest – 1:00 Download OLY 140605
Day 3WOD 140604 Congrats to our Coaches in Training!!… Steve, Lily, Scott and Kris!! During the next 12 weeks they will be going through our first Coaching Mentor Program! We are excited to provide this opportunity to them, and we hope everyone will be open and respectful to this process
Day 3WOD 140604Repeat WOD 140128 warm-up – Coach’s Choice barbell levels (no racks):L1 – 50-65% of your bodyweightRx’d – 75-85% of your bodyweightSK – 100% of your bodyweight Complete the entire workload for time (total time is your score, rest periods included):21 hrpu9 back squats12 t2b/k2e9 power cleans30 double unders (x3 singles)-rest exactly 3:00-9 power
Day 2WOD 140603Repeat WOD 140312 warm-up – Coach’s Choice 3 rounds of:2:00 – max distance row2:00 – rest -rest 5-10:00… prep for WOD- For the following workload, the barbell is set at 95/65… scale down from there. In addition, the sub for 30 muscle-ups is 20 pull-ups & 20 ring dips 30 snatches for time…