Thursday 230817
Day 4 Thursday 230817 A Total Distance 1:00 work… 1:00 rest 2:00 work… 1:00 rest 3:00 work… 1:00 rest 4:00 work… 1:00 rest 3:00 work… 1:00 rest 2:00 work… 1:00 rest 1:00 work…done! B Yoga
Day 4 Thursday 230817 A Total Distance 1:00 work… 1:00 rest 2:00 work… 1:00 rest 3:00 work… 1:00 rest 4:00 work… 1:00 rest 3:00 work… 1:00 rest 2:00 work… 1:00 rest 1:00 work…done! B Yoga
Day 3 Wednesday 230816 A. CPJ mid week special (week 3 of 4) 1 set every 3:30 x 6 Build barbell no more than 5# TOTAL each round All reps to be unbroken Start no more than 5# heavier than last week 5 deadlifts 6 hang power cleans 7 wallballs 8 pull-ups/c2b 9 ghd
Day 2 Tuesday 230815 A1 6-8 RFESS each leg, rest to TOM then A2 A2 6-8 bent over row each arm, rest to TOM then A3 A2 45sec handstand hold or feet elevated FLR, rest to 4:00 back to A1 x 3 Rest to 15:00 B AMRAP 15:00 20 calorie AB or row 15
Day 1 Monday 230814 REPEAT: 160412, 160719, 190813 Workloads A-C capped at 5:00. Complete descending ladder @ 85-95% effort Barbell NTE 135/95, same barbell weight for A, B, C A Thrusters @ dots… 2 rope climbs – OR – 6 t2b/k2e/hkr rest to 8:00 on timer, then B B SDLHP @
Day 5 Friday 230811 A AMRAP 3:00 Stone carry + 3 burpees after each down and back B AMRAP 3:00 Burpee + Pull-up/c2b/mu + T2B C AMRAP 3:00 Partner medball sit-up toss Rest 5:00 then back to A x3
Day 3 Wednesday 230809 A. CPJ mid week special (week 2 of 4) 1 set every 3:30 x 6 Build barbell no more than 5# TOTAL each round All reps to be unbroken Start no more than 5# heavier than last week 5 deadlifts 6 hang power cleans 7 wallballs 8 pull-ups/c2b 9 ghd
Day 2 Tuesday 230808 A1. 6-8 back squats OR 4 tempo back squats 33×1, rest TOM then A2 A2. 6-8 dual DB strict press, rest TOM then A3 A3. 30 sec side bridge each side, rest to 4:00 back to A1 x 4 Rest an additional 2:00 then B B AMRAP 5:00 7 devil’s