Day 1- Monday 230925
A. For time
BJSD 24/20
Dual DB power cleans 40/25
Rest to 10:00 then B
B. AMRAP 10:00
Row or ski for distance
5 Devil’s presses every 300m 40/25
Rest 3:00 then C
C. For time
Dual DB push press 40/25
Medball cleans 20/14
Day 2- Tuesday 230926
A. Skillwork EMOM 16:00
Min 1: 1.1.1 handstand or push-up negatives rest 10sec at dot
Min 2: 8-10 GHD or DB foot anchored sit-ups
Min 3: 30sec max OH walking lunges nte 45#
Min 4: 8-10 back extension or Superman
Rest 4:00 then B
B. 3 rounds for time
20 OHS 75/55
10 DB lateral box step overs 20” box 50/35# DB
50 Double Unders or 100 singles
Day 3- Wednesday 230927
A. AMRAP 40:00
Heavy Sled push down
Heavy Sled pull back
20 Renegade rows 50/35
400m run
20 plate Russian twists nte 25#
30sec OH plate carry each arm nte 45#
Day 4- Thursday 230928
Aerobic Intervals + Yoga
A1. Tabata row/bike/ski for total distance
8 rounds 20sec work 10sec rest
Rest 2:00 then A2
A2. Move total distance from A
Rest to 12:00 then back to A1 x2
Rest then C
B. Yoga as recovery for athletes
Day 5- Friday 230929
A. EMOM 30:00
Min 1: 30sec max thrusters 95/65 + 30 max pull-ups
Min 2: rest
Min 3: 15/12 calories row
Min 4: rest
Min 5: 3.3.3. TNG power cleans step over the bar at dot 135/95 + max burpees in remaining time
Min 6: rest
Day 6- Saturday 230930
Coach’s choice
Classes 7, 8, 9am
Day 7- Sunday 231001
RedShed Rest Day