Day 1- Monday 240311
A. For reps
3:00 max rope climbs -or- partial rope climbs -or- pull to stand + k2elbow
3:00 max shuttle runs
3:00 max hang power cleans 95/65
3:00 max wallballs
Rest 3:00 then B
B. For reps
2:00 max rope climbs -or- partial rope climbs -or- pull to stand + k2elbow
2:00 max shuttle runs
2:00 max hang power cleans 135/95
2:00 max wallballs
Rest 2:00 then C
C. For Reps
1:00 max rope climbs -or- partial rope climbs -or- pull to stand + k2elbow
1:00 max shuttle runs
1:00 max hang power cleans 155/115
1:00 max wallballs
Day 2- Tuesday 240312
A1. 5 barbell push or split jerk from rig, rest TOM then A2
A2. 30sec hollowbody hold + 30sec flr, rest to 3:00 then back to A1 x 5
rest an additional 2:00 then B
B. AMRAP 13:00
20 calorie
15 t2b/ hkr/ t2ring/ ghd/ medball ab-mat sit-ups
10 Russian kbs 32/24
5 burpees to a 45# plate
Day 3- Wednesday 240313
50/35 db, same weight for all movements
Running clock
A. For time
Buy-in 20 c2b/pull-ups
Alt single arm devil’s press
goblet squats
Cash out 100 double unders -or- 30 bjsd
rest 3:00 then B
B. For time
Buy-in 20 c2b/pull-ups
alt hang clean & jerk
goblet lunges
cash-out 100 double unders -or- 30 bjsd
Day 4- Thursday 240314
A. AMRAP 24:00
pick one machine:
Run 400m
row or ski 500m
bike 1000m
1:00 core hold
B. Yoga
Day 5- Friday 240315
A. EMOM 12:00 skillwork
Min 1: Ring Skills (muscle ups/toes to ring/ dips/ supports/ false grip hang…)
Min 2: Single leg squat work (pistols/ high single leg step ups)
Min 3: Handstand work (push-ups, kicking up, walking, wall climbs)
Rest 3:00 then B
B. For time:
bjsd 24/20”
Day 6- Saturday 240316
CrossFit Open 24.3
Sign up on ZP then reserve a heat time on the white board when you arrive. First come first serve. Show up 30min before you intend to work out. Take yourself through the provided warm-up.
Day 7- Sunday 240317
RedShed Rest Day
Recovery Yoga for Athletes 9am-10:15am last week