Day 1- Monday 240325
Repeat WOD 160328
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
Barbells not to exceed 95/65 for all AMRAPs
A. AMRAP 5:00 @ 80-90% effort
5 power snatch
10 ohs
15 double unders – OR – 45 singles
rest 3min, then B
B. AMRAP 5:00 @ 80-90% effort
15 wall balls
10 sdhp
5 wall climbs – OR – burpees
rest 3min, then C
C. AMRAP 5:00 @ 80-90% effort
calories… rower – OR – AB
rest to 30:00 on timer, then D… during rest period accumulate 60sec total of SB each side & FLR… (60sec of each)
D. AMRAP 5:00 @ 90% effort
thrusters… 5 burpees EMOM, starting at 30:00
E. post WOD body maintenance
Day 2- Tuesday 240326
Repeat WOD 160329
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A1. 6 cgbp, rest 30sec then A2
A2. pull-up cluster – 5. 5. 5, rest 10sec @ dots, rest 30sec then A3
A3. sled push, one direction…, rest to 4:00on timer, then back to A1, x 3 (0:00, 4:00, 8:00)
rest to 15:00 on timer, then start the B
B. EMOM 10:00… barbells not to exceed 135/95
evens – 1-2 rope ascents – OR – 5 burpee pull-ups
odds – 10 shoulder to overhead
rest to 30:00 on timer, then C
C. 1 unbroken set of air squats, capped at 150 reps
D. post WOD body maintenance
Day 3- Wednesday 240327
Repeat WOD 160330
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A. EMOM 8:00
evens – 3 squat cleans
odds – 5 front rack step-ups each leg… keep foot on the box, do 5 right, then 5 left… 12”
rest to 10:00 on timer, then B
B. EMOM 8:00
evens – 3 snatches – athlete’s choice… power or squat
odds – 6 front rack lunges, total reps, alt legs
rest to 25:00 on timer, then C
C. 5 sets @ 80-90% effort… barbells not to exceed 105/70
200m row
12 bjsd – 24”/20”
7 clean & jerk
rest 1min b/t sets
D. post WOD body maintenance
Day 4- Thursday 240328
A. Tabata row or ski for total distance
8x 20sec work, 10sec rest
Rest 2:00
B. Repeat total distance from A
Rest to 12:00
Repeat A & B
C. Yoga
Day 5- Friday 240329
Jani-Ro tonight
No 4:30pm class
A. 1 set every 3:00 x5 (0:00, 3:00, 6:00, 9:00, 12:00)
Start in a push up position: sprint down + sled drag back + 5 burpees AFAP
Rest to 18:00 then B
B. For time
Dual db squat cleans 50/35
Cash out 400m run
Day 6- Saturday 240330
Coach’s Choice
Classes 7, 8, 9am
Day 7- Sunday 240331
RedShed Rest Day