ShedKickers for Week of 120402
(Shedkickers are WODs that require a bit more skill, strength and… basically overall confidence!! In the past, we have allowed you to choose any shedkicker on any given day… until now. Shedkickers will now be assigned to certain days of the week, 1)to somewhat coincide with the workout of the day, 2)to discourage cherry-picking your WODs, and 3)to enable our coaches to maintain a high level of coaching for all athletes on the training floor. We apologize in advance if this is an inconvenience to you…. wait!… no we don’t!! This is to make you better, so deal with it folks!!)
5 rounds for time of:
6 clean & jerk – 185
1 legless rope ascent (15′)
SK1_ Monday Only
3 rounds for time of:
10 ohs – 135/95
15 box jumps – 30″/24″
20 ghd sit-ups
SK2_ Friday Only
5 rounds for time of:
6 muscle-ups
12 deadlifts – 250/175
SK3_ Tuesday Only
For time:
hspu (strict, no kipping allowed)
hang squat cleans – 165/115
Row 3500m (March Challenge re-test)
March Challenge Re-test
3:00 bodyweight back squats
max effort pull-ups